
Some emails are blank

Mayday 02 Sep, 2015
Hi - I've replicated a form that has worked well in the past, however 50% of the emails it sends in its current incarnation are blank, while 50% have the required content (all tests from my system have worked fine, some external emails have worked). The only field populated in the ones that don't come through is the IP address.

Here's what a populated email looks like:

First Name Test
Last Name Tester
Role Tester
Organisation Testing
Contact email address [removed]

Contact phone number 044990963
I understand [removed] may contact me to provide or request further information on this project Yes

And a blank one:

First Name
Last Name
Contact email address
Contact phone number
I understand [removed] may contact me to provide or request further information on this project

Have used debugger and got the attached page.

Help please?
GreyHead 03 Sep, 2015
Hi Mayday,

I assume the Debug output there is from a successful submission i.e. one that sent a complete email?

Is there any pattern in the IP addresses in the empty emails?

Have you added any serverside validation to the form?

Mayday 17 Sep, 2015
Hi Bob,

Yep - the debug was from an unsuccessful submission.

I don't think I can set up serverside validation as I don't have access to this or the expertise to do so.

IP addresses come through from a variety of IP addresses.

At least 5 failed submissions.

Seems to only happen with forms I copied in Joomla then edited, as I've used the forms successfully several times in the past with no serverside validation.

Could be that it will work if I create from scratch it will work, but currently too risky to take the form live again without knowing.

Are there any known issues when copying forms that could cause this issue? I would have thought submissions would either all be blank, or never... No known browser conflict issues, etc?
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