global configuration-> users manager -> component -> allow user registration=no) the system show "403 - Access Forbidden Page" after press chronoform Submit Button Ideas??Thanks"> acces forbidden - Forums


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fjaviermolinero 30 Aug, 2015
(sorry, my english is bad)

I can't use joomla registration. I used joomla registration with chronoforms 4 and joomla 2.5 much time. And all was ok
Now I am making a new site and I use chronoforms 5 and joomla 3.4.
I only want to create user with chronoforms. Not with joomla.
If I set joomla registration = yes (system->global configuration-> users manager -> component -> allow user registration=yes) all is good with chronoforms. I can create user with form, data is into table that I have created, etc.
But with this configuration, you can use "create an account" on joomla login module. And this is not good for me.
In another way, If I set joomla registration = no (system->global configuration-> users manager -> component -> allow user registration=no) the system show "403 - Access Forbidden Page" after press chronoform Submit Button


GreyHead 30 Aug, 2015
Hi fjaviermolinero,

You have to hide the Joomla! Registration - using a 'template override' is the simplest way. Please see this FAQ

fjaviermolinero 30 Aug, 2015
Done and working!!

Thank you very much GreyHead
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