
Format Date Picker Date

LikeStuff 28 Aug, 2015
I can't seem to find the date picker FAQ😟

I am trying to figure out how and where to change the date format on a form and in the email that I receive. Currently the format is like this:


I would like the format to be like this:

August 28, 2015

Thank you!
GreyHead 29 Aug, 2015
Hi LikeStuff,

In the form itself you can’t change the Format to this version*, you can re-format it after the form submits using PHP in a Custom Code action.


* It might be possible with custom JavaScript or by hacking the code but it if it is essential it's probably simplest to use another jQuery date-picker.
LikeStuff 31 Aug, 2015

In the form itself you can’t change the Format to this version*, you can re-format it after the form submits using PHP in a Custom Code action.

Oh I guess it's changed as we were able to do it in the older version😟

* It might be possible with custom JavaScript or by hacking the code but it if it is essential it's probably simplest to use another jQuery date-picker.

OK. Can I get a hint as to how to use another jQuery date-picker?

Thank you
Dazzer 09 May, 2016

Hi LikeStuff,

In the form itself you can’t change the Format to this version*, you can re-format it after the form submits using PHP in a Custom Code action.

I need it to display as d-m-Y (which it is), however change to m-d-Y (in a URL) on submit (for a booking engine on an external site).
Please advise on the PHP/code to do this?

Many thanks
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