
Thank you message now showing on front site.

priteshcool 24 Aug, 2015
Hello All,

I have used Joomla 3.4.3 version and V5 version. Also i have used rt_epsilon template. I have done all the setting in admin area and check the form from admin side . After submitting the form there is showing thankyou message. But when i use same from in article area with shortcode then after submitting form there is not showing the any thank you message and showing same form again and in URL there is showing the parameters that is chronoform=nameofform&event=submit. SO please let me know how i resolve this issue.

I have added Screenshots as well for better understanding.

priteshcool 25 Aug, 2015
Hello GreyHead,

Thank for reply. I'll check and let you know if not work.

priteshcool 25 Aug, 2015
Hello GreyHead,

Its not working yet. When i create new form and click on test form button so this form is opened in new tab and there is working,
But when i call same form by shortcode or module then this form doing nothing just simple submit but now showing any message and store in database as well. I have added the custom PHP code in submit event but nothing happened when form submit.
Please help me.

GreyHead 25 Aug, 2015
Hi priteshcool,

What have you tried from the FAQ?

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

priteshcool 25 Aug, 2015
Hello GreyHead,

I have sent a private Message. So please check and let me know.

GreyHead 26 Aug, 2015
Hi priteschool,

I replied to your PM yesterday.
The form I checked appears to be working correctly.

The test-contact menu item doesn't work. But as you have used the Load Position plug-in to load a module containing the form into an article I'm not very surprised. I suggest that you use the direct form link instead.

The current version is still in an article for no apparent reason and is inside <p> tags - this is illegal HTML and will cause the form to fail in some versions of IE.

After the form submits the URL shown is:

Notice that the index.php is there twice. I guess that this is a problem with SEF URLs on the site. I suggest that you try using the full URL in the form Action.

priteshcool 26 Aug, 2015
Hello GreyHead,
Can you please tell me that how can i use direct link.
" suggest that you use the direct form link instead."
GreyHead 26 Aug, 2015
Hi priteschool,

priteshcool 26 Aug, 2015
Hello GreyHead,
When i select the Relative URL to no,its working but just showing the thank you msg and the modules on the pages are disappear.
Also check with the registration.when i select the Relative URL to no for the registration its going to the home page.
GreyHead 26 Aug, 2015
Hi priteshcool,

I tried to check but get a 404 message on the URL you sent me.

It seems to me that you are making a simple form very complicated :-(

priteshcool 01 Sep, 2015
Hello GreyHead,
Did you find the solution or can i move for another component for the forms.
GreyHead 01 Sep, 2015
Hi priteschool,

The URL you sent me still shows a 404 message. the Contact Us menu is broken. And as long as your forms have code like this in them you can’t really expect them to work
<?php  die();
if($_REQUEST['chronoform'] == 'Contact_Us_123')
 echo 'asdadadasadasdas';
echo '<style>form.Chronoform{display:none;}</style>';


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