
dbase error

poloman 11 Aug, 2015
Don't know if this is related to chronoform.
Getting dbase error at Can't access front of back end.
Application Instantiation Error: Table 'newpawsdbase.jos_session' doesn't exist SQL=DELETE FROM `jos_session` WHERE `time`
If this problem is familiar, your help is appreciated.
GreyHead 12 Aug, 2015
Hi poloman,

I don't think that this is directly a CF problem. The #__session table is used by Joomla! to read and write the current User session. As far as I know CF doesn't access the table directly.

Please check that the table exists with exactly this name - the prefix may be different if you have migrated the site at some time.

poloman 12 Aug, 2015
Thanks so much Bob. Apparently, there are a log of hacks that trash the database. I had an Akeeba backup and am back up.
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