
Anti-Spam Functions not working in V5

webzight 03 Aug, 2015
Don't know whether this a bug or not, but as I have not had a problem using ChronoForms V4 I think it might be somehow!
I cannot get ANY of the Anti-Spam functions to work, NO Security Question, NO Captcha Image, NO ReCaptcha Image, NADA!
I went through ALL of the configuration parameters FOUR times on each of the above using two different browsers and NO GO!
Please advise!
PS Here is the output from the debugger in OnLoad
Data Array

    [option] => com_chronoforms5
    [chronoform] => ContactCambriaProducts




Debug Info


AND the Debugger output from OnSubmit
Data Array

    [option] => com_chronoforms5
    [chronoform] => ContactCambriaProducts
    [event] => submit
    [name] => TB
    [email] =>
    [phone] => xxx-xxx-xxxx
    [subjectdropdown] => other
    [message] => TEST
    [chrono_security_answer] => 
    [button8] => Submit




Debug Info

    [14] => Array
            [Check Security Question] => Array
                    [0] => Failed the answer check!


GreyHead 04 Aug, 2015
Hi webzight,

The Debugger shows that the error is being detected so I suspect that there is no action set. Please drag an Event Loop action into the pink On Fail event of the Check action.

webzight 04 Aug, 2015
I have done that already and I don't see HOW having an event loop in the OnFail portion of the event is going to make the Security Question appear or the Captcha Image appear or the ReCaptcha image appear, which IS what IT IS NOT DOING!
GreyHead 04 Aug, 2015
Hi webzight,

You didn't actually say that was the problem.

They all require three parts:

+ an element in the Designer tab to show the captcha question (note that Google ReCaptcha and NoCaptcha use the same element)

+ a Load captcha action in the form On Load event on the Setup tab to add the necessary code. This needs to be before the HTML (Render form) action

+ a matching Check captcha action in the form On Submit event with the Event Loop action in the pink On Fail event.

webzight 04 Aug, 2015
Actually that is what I EXACTLY said the first time:

"I cannot get ANY of the Anti-Spam functions to work, NO Security Question, NO Captcha Image, NO ReCaptcha Image, NADA!

I went through ALL of the configuration parameters FOUR times on each of the above using two different browsers and NO GO!"

I have attached a screen shot to further CLARIFY my college level English which seems to be not working!!
webzight 04 Aug, 2015
As a follow up to the last post, I have attached a screen grab of the Setup Window showing the correct configuration as you suggested and that I had in the first place!
It still does NOT work!
GreyHead 04 Aug, 2015
Hi webzight,

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look. And, if you like PM me a SuperAdmin login so I can see the back end too.

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