
datepicker problem

admin_wiky 03 Aug, 2015
Hi all,

I found out a bug in datepicker element. When I dont choose a date in datepicker field, save data and then open for edit, then date is 0000-00-00 and cant change the value.

any idea how fix it?
calculus00 03 Aug, 2015
Hello homeopat,
I'm not a Chrono professional, but after checking your new post, I think that the following links may help:
Datepicker problems with FireFox
P.S: I'm just an automated service😉
admin_wiky 03 Aug, 2015
Thank you, but I cannot find mentioned files in the FAQ - files dont exist
GreyHead 03 Aug, 2015
Hi Jozka,

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

admin_wiky 04 Aug, 2015
Hi Bob,

GreyHead 04 Aug, 2015
Hi Jozka,

Both datepickers look OK from here (I checked in Chrome and FireFox), though they do show up in English.

admin_wiky 05 Aug, 2015
Hi Bob,

of course that it looks fine if u do a new record, but if u open existing record where wasnt fill in date then it show a mistake.
here is link to CC where u can open existing records a try:
Evidence HIM

thank you
GreyHead 05 Aug, 2015
Hi Jozka,

I think that the fix is not to have 0000-00-00 in your empty fields. If they are empty then the date-picker works correctly. Either don't save them in the database or use a Custom Code action to replace '0000-00-00' with '' before displaying the form.

admin_wiky 05 Aug, 2015
it works
thank you, bob.
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