
Not sending the contact form from the frontend site

Willy12 26 Jul, 2015

I,ve got a problem with the send button and the contact form.
I use the component on a localhost with joomla 3.3.6
First there was the mailer error smtp but I solved it in the backend Form Manager by settings
mailing method smtp and the other fields just fillin the same as the the settings from joomla in the backend at the configuration server settngs email.

I created a simple contactform to test it on my localhost.
After saving the form I enter the Test Form button in the right top corner and fill in the form and enter the submit button.
The form is sent to the mailadres from the admin and also a thanks message to the sender.
So far so good.
I create a menu to the contact form. After fillin the form and click the submit button nothing happens the form stay’s on the screen with all fields fillin. There is no mail sent.
If I try this again with the test form button the mail is sent.

Can you help me to solve the problem
GreyHead 26 Jul, 2015
Hi Willy12,

Do you have SEF URLs enabled on the site?

What are the URLs you see before and after submitting the form?

Willy12 26 Jul, 2015

I've got SEF = ON

before submit button the url is: http://localhost/index.php/contact
after submit button = http://localhost/index.php/contact?chronoform=Contact&event=submit
Willy12 27 Jul, 2015
Hi Bob,

I followed the instructions in the faq and used a hidden menu.
The mail is working now but after sending the form I get this code ( see screenshot) instead of the thank you message.

I looks like a kind of debugger?

Can you help e with this?

GreyHead 27 Jul, 2015
Hi Willy12,

It might be from the ChronoForms SMTP Mail debugger. Please click the Settings icon in the Forms Manager toolbar and scroll to the bottom and see if SMTP Debug is set to > 0

If that isn't is the problem that I don't know - it's not anything I recognise.

Willy12 27 Jul, 2015
Hi Bob,

Thanks that was the problem.
Willy12 27 Jul, 2015
Hi Bob,

Another question:

The sender and admin are getting the right mail but at the bottom of the mail there is a notice IP: ::1
Can you tell me what that is and is there a way to remove it.
I don't want to show my guests what my IP address is.

GreyHead 28 Jul, 2015
Hi Willy12,

It's the User's IP address, not yours and you can turn it off (or on) in the Email action settings. It may be helpful to leave it on on emails to admin and to save in a db table - it can be useful info if you start getting spam messages.

Willy12 28 Jul, 2015
Hi Bob,

Works perfect.

Bye the way is there a faq or documentation how to work with, or build the database.
It is a great tip to save the IP addresses.
Willy12 30 Jul, 2015
Hi Bob,


Great video and easy to use.
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