
How do update from V4 to V5?

graphnet 24 Jul, 2015
Good Morning,
I have a form version v4 with the extension email [GH] that works with joomla 2.5.
The email version [GH] I saw that it is not updated for Joomla 3.x
I tried to upgrade to V5 but after installing the component I have two versions of chronoform.
The form is in version 4.

How the update form?
I have to rewrite it?
There is the use of variables in the "e-mail setup" in the component V5?

Thank You
GreyHead 24 Jul, 2015
Hi graphnet,

As far as I know the Email [GH] action for CFv4 works OK on Joomla! 3 - let me know if you have any specific problems or if you need to update to the latest version (which was a year or so ago).

There is no automatic upgrade from CFv4 to CFv5 - they both run OK on Joomla! 3.

Yes, you can use variables in the Dynamic boxes on the Advanced tab in the CFv5 Email action.

graphnet 24 Jul, 2015
Hi Grey.
Done donwload latest version Email [GH] from the URL:

This version sends the email correctly, but does not work the "reply to name" and the "reply to e-mail" (e-mail setup).

can you help me?
GreyHead 25 Jul, 2015
Hi graphnet,

What do you have in those boxes? As far as I know they are working OK.

Please drag a Debugger action into the On Submit event, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here.

graphnet 26 Jul, 2015
I send you all the information possible.
    [option] => com_content
    [view] => category
    [id] => 40
    [Itemid] => 100
    [lang] => it
    [chronoform] => Il_medico_risponde
    [event] => submit
    [nome] => nometest
    [cognome] => cognometestq
    [email] =>
    [telefono] => 
    [indirizzo] => 
    [citta] => 
    [provincia] => 
    [cap] => 
    [sezione] => Anca
    [oggetto] => test
    [messaggio] => test
    [privacy] => 1
    [chrono_verification] => Ueh7u
    [input_submit_6] => Invia dati
    [7a9339236d24196e72c7a5fe3c2c2165] => 1

Validation Errors:


Debug Data

    Core Captcha
        Passed the core captcha check!
    Email info
        Email sent successfully
        From: (nometest cognometestq)	
        Reply to: (nometest cognometestq)	
        Subject: Il medico risponde - Anca
    Email body
        *Nome: 	nometest
        *Cognome: 	cognometestq
        Sezione 	Anca
        *Oggetto: 	test
        Messaggio: 	test
        *Prendo atto dell'informativa sulla privacy, autorizzo il trattamento dei dati e l'eventuale pubblicazione della lettera. 	1
        Codice sicurezza: 	Ueh7u
        I campi con simbolo (*) sono obbligatori
GreyHead 27 Jul, 2015
Hi graphnet,

And what do you have in the Reply To Email box?

graphnet 27 Jul, 2015
In the setup field {email} comes from form and should be replaced.

GreyHead 27 Jul, 2015
Hi graphnet,

That should work OK. Please take a Form Backup using the icon in the Forms Manager and post it here and I'll take a closer look.

graphnet 28 Jul, 2015
Hello Bob,
I load the form

Thank You
GreyHead 29 Jul, 2015
HI graphnet,

I found the bug. If you edit the file /administrator/components/com_chronoforms/form_actions/email_gh/email_gh.php around line 296 and make the change shown here then it should be OK in Joomla! 3.
          //$mail->addReplyTo(array($replyto_email, $replyto_name));
          $mail->addReplyTo($replyto_email, $replyto_name);
          $email_sent = $mail->Send();
You may also need to disable the MX check - or that may just have been a problem with the address I was using to test with.

graphnet 02 Aug, 2015
Hello GreyHead,
I corrected and seems to function properly.

Thanks again and good work.
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