I'm creating multipage form where users will be able to claim existing articles and at the same time register. Form steps (pages) are:
1. Select existing articles from dropdown with dynamic data.
2. Fill user info such as first name, last name, email, phone, address, password... (all fields are required).
3. Preview of entered data.
4. Submit, create account, subscribe user to newsletter, submit email.
I managed to create form. For first step I tried to use autocompleter but went for dropdown instead because I couldn't get the code for db read event right.
For step 2 I'm using field which I would like to use as username. I now I can enter this field in Registration event but can I somehow pass values without spaces, special characters and only with small letters? So if user enters "Scissors & Papers" it will create username "scissorspapers".
Here I would also like to hide value entered in password field. Is this possible?
For the last page I would like to create preview of entered data. Is Session to data event suppose to do this?
Another question is if I can display same text on all form pages below?
I'm creating multipage form where users will be able to claim existing articles and at the same time register. Form steps (pages) are:
1. Select existing articles from dropdown with dynamic data.
2. Fill user info such as first name, last name, email, phone, address, password... (all fields are required).
3. Preview of entered data.
4. Submit, create account, subscribe user to newsletter, submit email.
I managed to create form. For first step I tried to use autocompleter but went for dropdown instead because I couldn't get the code for db read event right.
For step 2 I'm using field which I would like to use as username. I now I can enter this field in Registration event but can I somehow pass values without spaces, special characters and only with small letters? So if user enters "Scissors & Papers" it will create username "scissorspapers".
Here I would also like to hide value entered in password field. Is this possible?
For the last page I would like to create preview of entered data. Is Session to data event suppose to do this?
Another question is if I can display same text on all form pages below?