"General" > "Attachments fields name".I did receive the email, but the file was not attached.Please see attached screen shots. What am I doing wrong?"> Cannot get file upload to work. - Forums


Cannot get file upload to work.

eddie_konczal 21 Jul, 2015
I have watched the video on uploading files at https://www.chronoengine.com/faqs/53-cfv4/cfv4-file-uploads/2587-how-can-i-add-a-file-upload-to-my-form.html and also tried following the tips in http://www.chronoengine.com/forums/posts/f5/t99975/upload-file-name-only-received-file-not-received.html?hilit=File+upload but still cannot get Chronoforms to either attach files to email, or to upload them to the server.

When I use the form to attach the file, I don't get any error message; it gives me the success message:

Your form was successfully submitted! Thank you.

The first time I submitted the form, the directory JOOMLA_PATH/components/com_chronoforms/uploads/FORM_NAME/ was created, but the file was not uploaded.

I also added the form ID, "file_upload" to "Email action" > "General" > "Attachments fields name".

I did receive the email, but the file was not attached.

Please see attached screen shots. What am I doing wrong?
eddie_konczal 21 Jul, 2015
I am trying to upload the rest of my screenshots - but I can't!

First, I get "Save failed", then I get "You can't post that soon."
GreyHead 21 Jul, 2015
Hi eddie_konczal,

Do you have an upload files action in the On Submit event of your form?

Please drag a Debugger action into the On Submit event, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here.

eddie_konczal 21 Jul, 2015

Thanks for responding. Actually, I found my problem! After I enabled the debugger, I saw that the file size limit was 100 KB, and the document I was testing with was 189KB. 😶

Sorry for that, and thanks for your help!

eddie_konczal 21 Jul, 2015
I do have one more question: Once a file is uploaded into the forms directory, can it be accessed from the Joomla! administrator, or do you need direct access to the forms directory?
GreyHead 21 Jul, 2015
Hi eddie_konczal,

It depends . . .

If it's an image file and you upload it to a folder that the Media Manager can see you can 'manage' it from there. Otherwise you would need some other method - a form or a listing maybe?

What do you need to do?

eddie_konczal 21 Jul, 2015

I did configure the forms to save the files to folders in Media Manager, and they work!

However, the files are PDFs, so it's not that easy to download them. I should be able to make the folders browseable via .htaccess files.

GreyHead 22 Jul, 2015
Hi eddie_konczal,

You could create a form to show a list of the files with download links.

eddie_konczal 22 Jul, 2015

That would definitely be helpful; we'd rather not have the uploaded documents visible to anyone.

Is the process for creating a form to show a list of the files with download links documented somewhere? Which actions enable this functionality?

GreyHead 22 Jul, 2015
Hi Eddie,

There are various ways to do it.

I would probably adapt the upload form to save some info to a database table - the title, etc and the form name (if this isn't already happening). Then you can use a DB Read action to get read that back and a Custom Code element to loop through the data an build a table to display. That will work for say 100 files or so, if you have more than that then a CC Listing will work similarly and allow you to add pagination.

eddie_konczal 22 Jul, 2015

Thanks for the suggestion. Would the DB Read action and Custom Code be handled in a separate form?

GreyHead 22 Jul, 2015
Hi eddie_konczal,

Yes it think that the activities are separate so it makes sense - and is simpler - to use a second form.

eddie_konczal 24 Jul, 2015
Here is another issue: File upload was working - but once I added a ReCaptcha to the form, file uploads always failed. Here is a link to the one of the forms along with debug results:


    [option] => com_chronoforms5
    [chronoform] => TransferCreditPreapproval
    [event] => submit
    [last_name] => Konczal
    [first_name] => Eddie
    [middle_initial] => 
    [ruid] => 090005983
    [todays_date] => 07/24/15
    [email_address] => konczal@rutgers.edu
    [class] => 05/1992
    [current_degree_requirements] => Rutgers
    [school] => Middlesex County College
    [semester] => Fall
    [year] => 2015
    [course_name] => CSC
    [course_number] => 121
    [credits] => 4
    [start_date] => 07/01/2015
    [end_date] => 08/26/2015
    [online_course] => 0
    [preapproval_type] => NJTransfer
    [department] => Computer Science
    [approval_sig] => 
    [rutgers_equivalent] => 198:111:01
    [approval_date] => 07/23/2015
    [student_sig] => konczal@rutgers.edu
    [sig_date] => 07/23/2015
    [recaptcha_challenge_field] => 03AHJ_VuuHTT6Pu8EhbHmO_f8fV1ZjUydU2AIVSlXQNKElDq9fobbDxWUjttHXodNow8uGKmqQdmndmP94hIfsVMKd75jD844hRZ8bI1OwJ17RgroJWYjHZJj1cOX3cARfI30awoeg2l5hnoS0smFklA74DKz4pw29KTHlYs7OrdQb96ZIbqTUsFrCk1fA-L1OwmyaWuXPmMQXJbGt25TbtTQZr-hNkb_b1K9DNuXPVwWLdk2z58u6roGifEmch25h41-MRrA4H1ur
    [recaptcha_response_field] => 3805
    [button39] => Submit
    [ip_address] =>




Debug Info

    [3] => Array
            [Files Upload] => Array
                    [0] => Upload routine started for file upload by : nj_transfer_attachment
                    [1] => /mnt/web/cms/math/images/uploads/TransferCreditPreapproval/20150724090659_CourseDescription.docx could not be uploaded!!


    [0] => Array
            [Email] => Array
                    [0] => An email with the details below was sent successfully:
                    [1] => To:, siegel@math.rutgers.edu, konczal@sas.rutgers.edu
                    [2] => Subject:high school student has submitted special permission...
                    [3] => From name:
                    [4] => From email:
                    [5] => CC:
                    [6] => BCC:
                    [7] => Reply name:
                    [8] => Reply email:
                    [9] => Attachments:
                    [10] => Array

                    [11] => Body:
<tr><td>Last Name:</td><td>Konczal</td></tr>
<tr><td>First Name:</td><td>Eddie</td></tr>
<tr><td>Middle Initial:</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>E-mail address:</td><td>konczal@rutgers.edu</td></tr>
<tr><td>Class (Month/Year):</td><td>05/1992</td></tr>
<tr><td>Current Degree Requirements (check one):</td><td>Rutgers</td></tr>
<tr><td>School:</td><td>Middlesex County College</td></tr>
<tr><td>Course Name:</td><td>CSC</td></tr>
<tr><td>Course Number:</td><td>121</td></tr>
<tr><td>Start Date:</td><td>07/01/2015</td></tr>
<tr><td>End Date:</td><td>08/26/2015</td></tr>
<tr><td>Online Course?</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><td>Pick preapproval method:</td><td>NJTransfer</td></tr>
<tr><td>Attach NJ Transfer equivalent screen (see above)</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>Department:</td><td>Computer Science</td></tr>
<tr><td>Approval Signature:</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>Rutgers Equivalent:</td><td>198:111:01</td></tr>
<tr><td>Signature of Student:</td><td>konczal@rutgers.edu</td></tr>
<tr><td>Enter Code</td><td></td></tr>
</table><br /><br />IP:


GreyHead 24 Jul, 2015
Hi eddie_konczal,

Please check that the folder /mnt/web/cms/math/images/uploads/TransferCreditPreapproval/ exists and is writeable.

If it is please add this in a Custom Code action before the Debugger and see what output you get:
echo'<div>$_FILES: '.print_r($_FILES, true).'</div>';

eddie_konczal 24 Jul, 2015
I was getting ready to do that, but then noticed that the File Upload action did not have an "Event Loop" action within its "On Fail."

I changed that, and the file uploads work again!

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