
Show the content of a field while submitting

Glauser 15 Jul, 2015
(I create this topic to continue the discussion of this topic which auto-locks when I try to post an answer.)

I couldn't make it work with Max's code, but using JavaScript was the right way. After lots and lots of attempts, I found this topic (second post) that helped me (also with the updated version of the FAQ indicated by GreyHead) to find the solution to show the content of a field while loading. Here is something that works :

function showLoader() {
  var content;
jQuery(document).ready(function(jQ) {
  content = jQ('#field_id').val();

  jQuery('#submit_btn').prop('disabled', true);
  jQuery('#chronoform-my_form_name div:not(:last-child)').hide();

But now remains the problem of the lightbox. I would like to show this content in a lightbox... The FAQ is about creating a link that opens a lightbox, but my problem is how to open this lightbox directly from the Javascript code above ? Do you have an idea ?

Thank you for your help so far 🙂
Glauser 18 Jul, 2015
OK, the FAQ that GreyHead indicated for the lightbox also put me on the right way. Here is a way that works to show the content of a form in a lightbox while submitting :

function showLoader() {
  var content;
jQuery(document).ready(function(jQ) {
  content = jQ('#field_id').val();

  var element = new Element('p');
  element.setAttribute("align", "center");
  var node = document.createTextNode(content);

  SqueezeBox.resize({x: 700, y: 50});

  jQuery('#submit_btn').prop('disabled', true);
  jQuery('#chronoform-my_form_name div:not(:last-child)').hide();

Don't forget to put anywhere on the page the following php code :


Finally both Max's and GreyHead's posts put me on the right way. Thank you !
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