

bgareth2 12 Jul, 2015
Hello, I am having a few problems and I have a few questions if anybody would be kind enough to help.

I am using Chronoforms on my Joomla install at

The problem I am having is: When I do a test completion of my form, deliberately get the recaptcha wrong and then when the form is reloaded, once I complete the recatcha properly, I am still getting the recaptcha error. I have toyed with the idea of simply loading a new copy of the Chronoform when the recaptcha is entered incorrectly but I wouldn't want the person completing the form to lose the information they have already placed in it.

The other problem I have is that I have a submit button which is inserted as HTML within the article containing the Chronoform, below it and for some reason people can not press that submit button without completing the recaptcha first. This is a bit of a pain as the button that I have added is actually a "skip" button!!

I am also wondering how I might, because the page is so long, make use of html anchors so that if the form is reloaded, the person is taken to the top of the form and not the top of the page.

Here are a few screenshots of the backend: (orange box is just to avoid confusion/repetition)

End Goal: The end goal is to have the recaptcha checked, let the user enter the recaptcha in again if they got it wrong (with the user taken to the top of the form and not the top of the page) and to have a skip button at the bottom :-)

Thanks and Kind Regards,

GreyHead 13 Jul, 2015
Hi Beanie,

Please Restructure your ON Submit event like this:

+ Check ReCaptcha
++ On Success - leave empty
++ On Fail - drag in an Event Loop action from the Core Actions group

+ Email 1
+ Email 2
+ Show Thanks Message

What is your Skip button supposed to do? As you can see from the page source it is inside the <form> tags and not below the form. You can add it in the article below the form if you wish, or you can add a link - possibly styled as a button - inside the form.

bgareth2 15 Jul, 2015
Hi Bob, thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

Thanks ever so much, that has sorted it :-)

Just a small issue:

1. Because the form is at the bottom of a rather long list of FAQS, it is unclear as to whether the form has sent or not so I need the form to reload (on the Recapture being incorrect) where the error is located at the bottom of the FAQS otherwise the form is off the screen, requires scrolling and the person who has completed the form will think it has actually been sent successfully, not sure how to achieve this? I suppose I could use HTML anchor tags (not sure how to incorporate this into the form) or load a new one with the original content and minus the FAQS, again not sure how to do this?

Thanks again🙂
GreyHead 15 Jul, 2015
Hi Beanie,

The simplest solution is to use a Joomla! system message (as long as your template displays them). Use a Custom Code box with code like this before the Event Loop:
$app = \JFactory::getApplication();
$app=>enqueueMessage('There was a problem with your form submission, please scroll down and check.');

You can also use JavaScript to set the focus to the form - there's another current thread on this iirc.

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