Google Conversion tracking needs to be placed after the form is submitted and can be done with a little code in a Custom Code action in the form On Submit event
Here is a code example; this assumes that the value to be recorded has been placed in the 'totalValue' in your form, edit this to match the input name you are using.
<?php $track_value = $form->data['totalValue']; /* Google Code for Purchase Conversion Page */ $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addScript('http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion.js'); $script = " var google_conversion_id = 1234567890; var google_conversion_language = 'en_US'; var google_conversion_format = '1'; var google_conversion_color = '666666'; if ( {$track_value} ) { var google_conversion_value = {$track_value}; } var google_conversion_label = 'Purchase'; "; $doc->addScriptDeclaration($script); echo "<noscript> <img height=1 width=1 border=0 src='http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1234567890/?value={$track_value}&label=Purchase&script=0' /> </noscript>"; ?>