"88" ); ?>But my purpose is do it dinamically with user id of joomla, but I don't know how can i get it from enviroment of joomlaregards"> joomla user id in condition list of ccv5 - Forums


joomla user id in condition list of ccv5

teldrive 19 Mar, 2014
I apreciate i someone can help
i need insert a condition in ccv5 form that show only records of table that allow to one user
I did it statically with
 return array(
   "nif" =>"12",
  "nombre" =>"88"

But my purpose is do it dinamically with user id of joomla, but I don't know how can i get it from enviroment of joomla
teldrive 19 Mar, 2014
Hi Bob , thanks by reply, i am untrained in CCv5,

but I have tried with this in order to debug it

$user = & JFactory::getUser();

print "-> $login  es el username   ";
print "-> $user   es el array    ";

 /*return array('nif' =>$user->name);*/

 return array('nif' =>"seden");

the results are:
no value for $login
$user value = JUser

and list works because "seden· is constant, so can you help me, what am I missing?
teldrive 20 Mar, 2014
Sorry Bob is working😀
is working, my failure was that I have to register as user to get it works, because from backend there is not registered users
teldrive 20 Mar, 2014
here is the screen
Max_admin 22 Mar, 2014
Hi Teldrive,

You need to use this to get the user's id:

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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