Hi all,
I've realized that forms are not working anymore after update to Joomla! 3.2.3.
If you fill out form and want to send it, it just reloads the form, but nothing happens! If i test it in the backend with the "test form" option, then everything works fine. I assume there is a issue with the plugin, as I'm using it for adding the foms to the articles.
Anyone has the same issues or a solution for this?
Hi Dan,
Please ask Max about this using the Contact Us menu above. It may need a new plug-in version for Joomla! 3.2.3 though there is nothing obvious in the Release Notes.
I had a similar issue but worked round it by avoiding the plugin so do not need a solution now. But if you need more details from me please ask. However when there is a solution I would be interested to hear in case I cannot avoid the plugin in future.
I also have an issue with the plugin. The email address is validated by Joomla and replaced by a large javascript:
<script type='text/javascript'> <!-- var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy25794 = etc.. etc..
And thus my form is not submitted. In the module it works fine. But I need to embed it into an article.
That fixed the email issue, but now I have the same problem as the original poster, radee.
After submit, the form just reloads and nothing happens. As a module it works fine.
ah, yes. Before I upgraded to 3.2.3 the plugin worked fine.
Its because you have the cache enabled and Joomla caches the article page, please try to set the "Relative url" setting under the "HTML" action settings to "No".
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
ok, I will give that a try, I let you know
It worked! Thanks a lot. Can you also see my other question on multi select checkboxes?