
Paypal does not return to website after payment

neerajmaurya 21 Feb, 2014
Thanks for the awesome component! I am facing some challenges..

My website URL is -
I am using chrnoform v5 and using 'paypal Redirect' under the setup link.

I tested it using paypal sandbox and found that The Return url is not working.
1 - On successful form submit "Incorrect Amount is passing to paypal"

2- after redirecting to paypal, when I click on "Don't have paypal account", some fields like Firstname and lastname auto populated by hidden fields which is passed through the form but rest of the fields like addres1, city, zip etc does not auto populate.

3- And after successful payment paypal does not return to the website, whereas return url has been already passed through hidden field. I tested the URL which is fine by 'debug mode' functionality by Paypal redirect

Thanks in advance
neerajmaurya 21 Feb, 2014
I forgot to attach debug mode parameter to pass to paypal¤cy_code=&item_name=Alberta+Flood+Relief+Effort&amount=30&first_name=facebook&last_name=kumar&address1=dfdfg&address2=&city=noida&state=MB&zip=34343&country=&custom=&night_phone_a=&

And please find attachment- some fields does not auto populated.
neerajmaurya 21 Feb, 2014
I forgot to attach debug mode parameter to pass to paypal¤cy_code=&item_name=Alberta+Flood+Relief+Effort&amount=30&first_name=facebook&last_name=kumar&address1=dfdfg&address2=&city=noida&state=MB&zip=34343&country=&custom=&night_phone_a=&

And please find attachment- some fields does not auto populated.
GreyHead 23 Feb, 2014
Hi neerajmaurya,

I don't' know anything about this action in CFv5. I do notice an odd ¤ character in the URL that might be causing problems
. . .returnpage.php¤cy_code= . .  .

neerajmaurya 24 Feb, 2014
Hi GreyHead,
I see the pyapal amount description -" The field name holding the amount value, the amount will be randomized if you don't have the PayPal action validated"

So How could I validate PayPal action?

neerajmaurya 24 Feb, 2014
Thanks for your reply.
On e more question- after successfully payment I see a link to return to website's return URL, this link returns successfully but it doesn't contains Transaction id and rest information, I need these information .

GreyHead 24 Feb, 2014
Hi neerajmaurya,

You can add the your Transaction ID to the Return URL and then look up the information about the transaction. You can't get the payment information from PayPal with this method. If you need confirmation of payment then you need to use one of the IPN or Express Checkout options. These are both much more complex to set up as they require a 'hand-shake' transaction with PayPal to verify that your site is the correct place to send the information to. There are some other paid CF actions that can help with this.

If you just use the ReDirect to PayPal the confirmation that you get is the URL.
neerajmaurya 27 Feb, 2014
Hi Bob,
I am using 'com_chronoform5'
after successfully form submit using action 'paypal redirect' I found correct amount is not passing to the paypal, when I choose amount 75 after form submit incorrect amount goes to paypal (it likes that 2 or 3 or 4 times multiplied ). I tried to debug component code but did't get. why does it happening ?

And when I see details submitted to paypal using paypal redirect action, a field name 'currency_code' displaying wrong it show like -' ¤cy_code' , why does it happens?
I writing here details submitted to paypal.¤cy_code=USD&item_name=Canadian+Red+Cross+Society&amount=225&first_name=Test&last_name=testing&address1=xxxxxx&address2=&city=yyyyyyyy&state=NT&zip=000000&country=&custom=93&night_phone_a=&

In this URL you can see amount=255 which is wrong it should be 75, and '¤cy_code' It should be 'currency_code'.

GreyHead 27 Feb, 2014
Hi neerajmaurya,

The amount change is because you are using the 'trial' version of the action which randomises the amount.

I don't know what causes the change in currency_code though; someone else reported something similar a few days ago, I'm afraid that is a question for Max to look at in the code.

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