
Chronoforms v6.0.22 update


We are pleased to announce the release of Chronoforms 6.0.22 along with ChronoConnectivity 6.0.9

The new updates applies the following changes:

  1. Fixes the update and validation problem for Connectivity!
  2. The form designer has few new elements for lists display!
  3. Display section is now "Display Form", and it has a display event to manage the form contents.
  4. Display view action is added to help rendering views or sections easily.
  5. The "Read Data" action has a new alt primary key setting for "Has Many" related tables, you can now connect 2 tables on any 2 fields with the has many relationship.
  6. New "Save custom fields" action for Joomla to help save Joomla custom fields data for users, articles or any content.
  7. The "Modify data" action is changed to "Data builder", it can now write data to the Data/Var/Session arrays.
  8. The "Switch" and "Event switcher" action got some updates, now * can be used as a wildcard option.
  9. More demo forms included with how to build instructions.