
add Italian language in "Load ReCaptcha"

ajeje 27 Oct, 2014
How Can I add Italian language in ReCaptcha?

ajeje 27 Oct, 2014
I have added in the file: /administrator/components/com_chronoforms/form_actions/load_recaptcha/load_recaptcha.ctp

		<?php echo $HtmlHelper->input('action_load_recaptcha_{n}_lang_config', array(
				'type' => 'select', 
				'label' => 'Language', 
				'options' => array(
					'en' => 'English',
					'it' => 'Italian',
					'nt' => 'Dutch',
					'fr' => 'French',
					'de' => 'German',
					'pt' => 'Portuguese',
					'ru' => 'Russian',
					'es' => 'Spanish',
					'tr' => 'Turkish'

It need just this one thing?
GreyHead 03 Nov, 2014
Hi ajeje,

That looks OK to me. Does ReCaptcha support Italian?

ajeje 03 Nov, 2014
Yes, ReCaptcha support italian language.
GreyHead 06 Nov, 2014
Hi Ajeje,

No I don't think that it does - see the list here under RecaptchaOptions Reference

You can add an extra language though - please see this FAQ

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