Value selected : 1 --> Aktion : function --> field id, fn() or event : change 1.1. on "!=" --> Value selected : 1 --> Aktion : function --> field id, fn() or event : change2. I Added a textbox to the form with Field Name = info_vn and Field ID = info_vn3. At Setup --> On Load i added a Load Java Script[list]window.addEvent('domready', function() { $('dd_player').addEvent('change', function() { $('info_vn').value = 180; });[/list]--> i does not work 😟 Can someone help me ?the next step in my mind is to change the code for the function to something like this [list]data['dd_player']}';";$db->setQuery($query);$row = $db->loadAssoc();'{$form->data['player_vn']}' = $row['player_vn']; ?>[/list]is this realistic ? or is there a much better way to do it ?Regards from GermanyTRIJ"> Problem with Textbox filled by changing dropdown - Forums


Problem with Textbox filled by changing dropdown

TRIJ 14 Oct, 2014
HI All,
next day, next question 😟 😉

i have a dropdown with data filled by a database. This works fine so far. The value key is the ID of the database table. Now i want to fill some elements with data related to the choosen id. My plan:
1. creat a CHANGE event for the dropdown
2. using a PHP - query to read data from database filtered by the dropdown value
3. Fill the form elements with the data.

For a more easy start i canceld point to and point 3 is set the values to a fixed string.

I tried the following things:

1. At the dropdown in the Form : Addes 2 events
1.1. on "=" --> Value selected : 1 --> Aktion : function --> field id, fn() or event : change
1.1. on "!=" --> Value selected : 1 --> Aktion : function --> field id, fn() or event : change
2. I Added a textbox to the form with Field Name = info_vn and Field ID = info_vn
3. At Setup --> On Load i added a Load Java Script
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
  $('dd_player').addEvent('change', function() {
    $('info_vn').value = 180;  

--> i does not work 😟 Can someone help me ?

the next step in my mind is to change the code for the function to something like this

$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "
    SELECT `id`, `player_nn`, `player_vn`,`player_hcp` 
    FROM `#__data_player`
    WHERE `id` = '{$form->data['dd_player']}';
$row = $db->loadAssoc();
'{$form->data['player_vn']}' = $row['player_vn'];      

is this realistic ? or is there a much better way to do it ?

Regards from Germany
GreyHead 15 Oct, 2014

If you only have a small amount of data linked to each option then it might be simpler to use the data attribute in the <option> tags to add the data when the form is created. Please see this FAQ which has a simple example for CFv4. This could be extended to handle the three items that you are getting.

TRIJ 16 Oct, 2014
HI Bob, Hi All,

i have read a lot of FAQ' and Forum Text but sadly i cant get the last step :? I still have the problem, that i want to autofill the value of a textbox by changing the selection from a dropdown. In the FAQ's i found the explenation how to create a double DropDown with dynamic data from database.
Set to events on a first Dropdown for = ' ' and != ' ' ... Set it to get Dynamic option and link it to a second dropdown with the optionlist creating by an ajax_event.

In my oppinion i have nearly the same problem..But instead of creating an option list for a secon dropdown i want to change the value of a textbox. Therefor i have to change the "field id" from the second drobdown_id to the textbox_ id. ... And now ????

... Is the Action still Set Dynamic Options or do i have to change this to function?
... in the Ajax event i need as a result the change of textbox value and not an option List.

Sorry for the stupid questions. But i feel there are different ways to solve the problem ... shown in the forum ... but i always have the feelingh of missing some steps.
TRIJ 16 Oct, 2014
The other way i tried was a JS code like this
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
  $('dd_player').addEvent('change', function() {    
      $('player_vn').value = 'a';
      $('player_nn').value = 'b';
      $('player_hcp').value = 'c';

but i cant get managed, that in the Form anything happend. Doesent matter what i do ... The Textbox Values are never changing ...😟

Best Regards TRIJ
Cugar 14 Dec, 2014
Looks like I have the same problem..... TRIJ, did you solve the problem? If so, how?

Is there any solution here?

How does 'function', 'dynamic html', etc work in the drop down events settings?

Where can I find out?

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