
SMS feedback after form submission

nahiyan404 30 Aug, 2014
Hi, I am newbie to chronoform. i am trying to setup SMS sending along with thank you after submission of form. I am using gate way of SMS4BD (There documentation is :

I am following their instruction as like below;
The base address for the service is
You need to send a POST request to this address with addition End point info and POST
parameters. The POST data is expected as a JSON serialized data. Please check our example
code below to understand how that is done.

They also provided a sample code:

{"Username":"test", "Password":"123456",
"MobileNumber":"01717579731", "MessageBody":"Testing the single message.",
"ID":"e98ae32f-1e1a-cea6-ad28-08c faa46015d","SendTime":"\/Date(1355732212990)\/"}

I am using cURL action but could not configure out how to implement it. Like to hear from expert like you. Thanks in advance to my friend.
GreyHead 30 Aug, 2014
Hi nahiyan404,

This should work using cURL - though it's not easy to be sure from their documentation. Create the JSON package in a Custom Code action before the cURL action:
$json = array(
  'Username' => 'your username',
  'Password' => 'your password,
  'MobileNumber' => $form->data['mobile_number',
  'MessageBody' => $form->data['message'],
  'ID' => $form->data['uid'],
  'SendTime' => '???'
$form->data['SendSingleSMS'] = json_encode($json);
I have no real idea what the correct values for the ID and SendTime need to be

The in the cURL use in the Target URL and
in the params box

If this doesn't work then you can probably download their PHP library and use that. If you intend to make a lot of use of the service then that may be the better approach. You can load and run the library from a ChronoForms Custom Code action.

nahiyan404 30 Aug, 2014
Thank you for your kind reply. I have sent an email to customer support of sms4bd and they replied with following for simple implementation of cURL.

HTTP API is very quick and easy. The easiest and fastest way to send SMS will be to use the 
following URL format: You need to make a HTTP GET request in this URL.
You need to replace {username}, {password}, {phone}, {message} etc with actual value. 
Your username and password will be provided to you. {phone} is the mobile number where 
you need to send SMS, and {message} is the SMS text that you want to send.{username

They also provided Two files, as How to documents and another is Some sample PHP api files for sms4bd.

Finally could tell me how to implement the follwoing line in chronoform for sms funtionality.{username

Thank you
nahiyan404 30 Aug, 2014
Below is the link of the two file they provided;

I think this will not be needed for our simple implementation
GreyHead 30 Aug, 2014
Hi nahiyan404,

If they will accept GET - that's a URL - then you can send the message using the ReDirect action instead of the cURL action.

The Custom code would be something like this:
$form->data['username'] = 'username';
$form->data['password'] = 'password';
and then in the ReDirect action set the Target URL to
and in the Extra Params box
assuming that your inputs for the phone and message have those names.

nahiyan404 31 Aug, 2014
after requering sms4bd service provider they sent me following url tht will do simple sms send by url

In above link
phone is 880171757973

Thanks to you again for your geat help
nahiyan404 31 Aug, 2014
I completed the task accordingly as you helped. I placed the custom code then redirect then display message actions.
Then when click the form at front end it redirected to the external site of sms4bdnet but does not show the thank you message. could you kindly tell me how to do the redirect at backdround not showing at front.Thnx
GreyHead 01 Sep, 2014
Hi nahiyan404,

Sorry, I had a cold last week and wasn't thinking very clearly.

If you use cURL then that does the transfer in the background. I think it will work with the same settings as the ReDirect action.

nahiyan404 02 Sep, 2014
hi, i have designed a form by chronoform in joomla 3.0. There i have included a feature cURL and form submitted in post method for URL

but its not working and showing following message in debug mode.
[curl] => HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed

and when form submitted in get method I can't see thank u page.
please kindly help me to solve the issue. Thanks
nahiyan404 03 Sep, 2014
is there any option to make cURL to work in get method or

can you say how I can do custom php code to send http request to the sms api in get method for above sscenario. thnx.
GreyHead 03 Sep, 2014
Hi nahiyan404,

I think that cURL is sending the data using POST and the URL for the SMS service only accepts GET. There is presumably another URL that will accept POST.

nahiyan404 03 Sep, 2014
is it possible to use cURL with http get method?
nahiyan404 03 Sep, 2014
i have followimg sample php code for sms sending

require_once 'SmsAPI/ServiceClient.php';
require_once 'SmsAPI/TextMessageRequest.php';
require_once 'SmsAPI/Recipient.php';
require_once 'SmsAPI/CustomFieldNameValueContainer.php';
require_once 'SmsAPI/CampaignRequest.php';
// Creating the instance of the service client.
$serviceClient = new ServiceClient('', 
'yourusername', 'yourpassword');
// Generating an unique id in specified format.
$uniqId = $serviceClient->getUniqId();
$sendTime = gmmktime(Hour,Minute,Second,Month,Date,Year); // Hour should be 
in 24 hour format
// Creating the request object for sending Single SMS 
$request = new TextMessageRequest($uniqId, '880163333333', "Hello recipient, this 
is my message", $sendTime);
$result = $serviceClient->SendSingleSMS($request);
echo $result->Message . " " . $result->Code;

can you help me how to implement this example for chronoform, thanks
GreyHead 04 Sep, 2014
Hi nahiyan404,

I'm not sure if you can switch the CFv5 cURL action to use GET. You can do so using PHP in a Custom Code action to create the cURL command yourself.

But I expect that they can accept POST commands from cURL if you have the correct URL.

You can also use the PHP that you posted in a Csutom Code action but you need to install the libraries on your server first. It's similar to the way the Basecamp library in this FAQ is used.

nahiyan404 05 Sep, 2014
i have the php library files of sms provider but in which location i have to copy those (joomla root or chronoform folder?), kindly advice me

Also tell me where the following code to write and how to get output / implement in chronoform submission
require_once 'SmsAPI/ServiceClient.php';
require_once 'SmsAPI/TextMessageRequest.php';
require_once 'SmsAPI/Recipient.php';
require_once 'SmsAPI/CustomFieldNameValueContainer.php';
require_once 'SmsAPI/CampaignRequest.php';
// Creating the instance of the service client.
$serviceClient = new ServiceClient('', 
'yourusername', 'yourpassword');
// Generating an unique id in specified format.
$uniqId = $serviceClient->getUniqId();
$sendTime = gmmktime(Hour,Minute,Second,Month,Date,Year); // Hour should be 
in 24 hour format
// Creating the request object for sending Single SMS 
$request = new TextMessageRequest($uniqId, '880163333333', "Hello recipient, this 
is my message", $sendTime);
$result = $serviceClient->SendSingleSMS($request);
echo $result->Message . " " . $result->Code;

nahiyan404 07 Sep, 2014
finally received URL for POST method for cURL from sms srovider. it is working on chronoform v4 cURL(gh) but not working at cheonoform CURL.
Below is the post addres and query data:

GreyHead 07 Sep, 2014
Hi nahiyan404,

What do you have in the Fields Map box? You can't use 'fixed' values in the current version of the CFv5 cURL action, they have to be added to the $form->data[''] array first.

nahiyan404 07 Sep, 2014
MobileNumber, MessageBody
GreyHead 08 Sep, 2014
Hi nahiyan404,

You can't just make things up and expect them to work. The format for the Fields Map box id parameter_name=form_input_name with each entry on a separate line!

You need to use a Custom Code action to add the 'fixed' values to the $form->data[''] array:
$form->data['Username'] = 'xyz';
$form->data['Password'] = 'abc';
$form->data['ID'] = 'C9DB760E-F04F-447A-90E3-E32DD2A975DC'; // Is this fixed?
$form->data['SendTime'] = date('d-m-Y'); // do you need a time here?

Then in the cURL action you can set all the values:

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