
Email still marked as phishing mail

Mgringo 26 Aug, 2014

Why does all incoming emails enter in SPAM folder? I've filled all fields correct in I quess ... Anybody an idea?

Edit action settings

[attachment=0]Schermafbeelding 2014-08-26 om 10.03.55.png[/attachment]
GreyHead 26 Aug, 2014
Hi MGringo,

Probably because the From Email address doesn't match your site domain name.

Mgringo 26 Aug, 2014

Hi MGringo,

Probably because the From Email address doesn't match your site domain name.


Hi Bob ,

The from email adress is the same as the domain emailadress and from name too
Mgringo 26 Aug, 2014
No sorry Bob,

The from email adress is the emailadress the visitor fills in
GreyHead 26 Aug, 2014
Hi MGringo,

As I said - they are being marked as spam because the From Email address doesn’t match your site domain.

if you want to add the submitter's email then use the Dynamic Reply To Email for that.

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