Array ( [DB Save] => Array ( [Queries] => Array ( [0] => INSERT INTO `jos__chronoengine_chronoforms_datatable_demo-basic-2` (`user_id`, `created`) values ('0', '2014-08-11 00:42:13'); ) ) )What did I do wrong?Thank you in advance.Kind regardsFrank"> Data is not saved to the database - Forums


Data is not saved to the database

frankfin 10 Aug, 2014
Hello there,

First of all: Thank you for making available your component!

My problem is: The data filled in the forms are not saved in the database.

I copied the "Basic contact form with fields validation". Under "Setup" I added the "DB save" option. I followed the instructions in your video on . But still: The data is not saved in the database. The debug info reports: "
    [3] => Array
            [DB Save] => Array
                    [Queries] => Array
                            [0] => INSERT INTO `jos__chronoengine_chronoforms_datatable_demo-basic-2` (`user_id`, `created`) values ('0', '2014-08-11 00:42:13');



What did I do wrong?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards

GreyHead 11 Aug, 2014
Hi Frank,

Just to be clear, the save is working but only the `user_id`, `created` values are saved. Is that correct??

a) Do the other columns exist in the table?

b) Do the column names match the input names from your form?

Please post the whole debug output here.

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