'Yes')" as selected value of the checkbox group instead of just "Yes". How can I set it up to only show "Yes"?Thanks and regards,Andy"> Display selected value of checkbox group in email without 'array..' - Forums


Display selected value of checkbox group in email without 'array..'

innoads 05 Aug, 2014

when I have a form in Chronoforms 5 that includes a checkbox group and send an email on submit that includes the form results, the email shows i.e. "(array -> 'Yes')" as selected value of the checkbox group instead of just "Yes". How can I set it up to only show "Yes"?

Thanks and regards,
GreyHead 05 Aug, 2014
Hi Andy,

Please drag a Handle Arrays action into the OnSubmit event and move it up before the Email action.

innoads 06 Aug, 2014
Hi Bob,

now it works great. Thanks you!

sharonbetts 30 Aug, 2014
Hi - on this same topic. I am just getting the last item selected in my emails. I have included the handle arrays action. What am I missing?
sharonbetts 30 Aug, 2014

Hi - on this same topic. I am just getting the last item selected in my emails. I have included the handle arrays action. What am I missing?

Should have added that I do not get the array> in my emails with or without the "handle array" action.
GreyHead 30 Aug, 2014
Hi sharonbetts,

You probably haven't given the group an array name with [] at the end e.g. checkbox_1[]

SPABO 10 Sep, 2014
I had the same issue, but is soolved now;

In teh FAQ's it says:
Handling Arrays
ChronoForms has a Handle Arrays action in the Utilities action group that is intended to take the arrays returned by checkbox groups and by multiple select drop-downs and convert them into lists of values that are can be saved to the database or used in an emai

However, it's in the Core Actions area...
GreyHead 10 Sep, 2014

You are correct, the FAQ was written for CFv4 but the action (like many others) has moved in CFv5. I've added a note to the FAQ.

SPABO 10 Sep, 2014
Of topic: Can I seemless install V5, without damaging the current forms?
GreyHead 10 Sep, 2014

Yes you can install CFv4 and CFv5 on the same site. They are completely separate.

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