
How to use WHERE sentence with two or more models in DBMRL

guardian82 17 Mar, 2012

Te Chonoengine is the perfect component to create advanced forms in Joomla. But now i have a problem trying to use DBMRL to INNER JOIN two or more MODELS, when i use one INNER model it replace what i need, but when i try to use other model in the join the WHERE crash the custom show becouse i don't know how to put the sentence in that case. When i use one WHERE sentece like listado=loc_id = Localidad.loc_id the debugger shows the others model i need like the complete array. ¿What can i do to it replaces for the others models too?
Max_admin 17 Mar, 2012

You should simply add more actions, each action assigned to a unique model, with a new JOIN rule of course.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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