
Form email as word document attachment

deanr 16 May, 2011

I have several forms which I have emailing through the results. I need to also have these results turned into a word document and attached to the email and if possible downloadable through chrono connectivity with the data from each form.

Have spent a lot of time looking into this and havn't been able to figure it out so willing to hand over some cash to anybody who can help me get this done ASAP as the client wants the site live within a couple of days.

Can contact me through here or email me at deanr[at] .Its urgent so if you can help please do so quickly! 😀
GreyHead 18 May, 2011
Hi deanr,

Please email or PM me if you still need help with this.

deanr 19 May, 2011
Thanks greyhead sent you over an email.
If it didn't go through properly please email me at deanr[at]

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