
Chronoconnectivity display all records except one

alexidro 15 Mar, 2011
Hi. I was looking for a method for listing all the records in the frontend except one, based on id.
In particular I'm listing the users table to the Editors of the site, with usernames and email of registered users, and the editors can also delete them, if required, but I don't want to list (and let Editors the possibility to delete) the Super Administrator, obviously!
So, how can I exclude a certain record to be listed.
Or if it's not possible, at least to be hidden!
Thank you!
GreyHead 15 Mar, 2011
Hi alexidro,

You can filter the list on the User Group ID ($user->gid) this is 18 for Registered Users.

alexidro 15 Mar, 2011
Yes thanks, exactly what I want to do but you know, I'm a newbie so: what I have to write and where?
Thank you very much!
GreyHead 16 Mar, 2011
Hi alexidro,

What code have you tried so far?

alexidro 16 Mar, 2011
In "frontend filtering" with $user->gid 18, $user->gid=18, $user->18...
GreyHead 16 Mar, 2011
Hi alexidro,

I'm afraid that I have no idea what the 'frontend filtering' box does or how it works. Have you read the ChronoConnectivity tutorials here especially the Static filters one?

alexidro 16 Mar, 2011
ok, I did it! thanks!
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