
Just some clarification before going this route...

esotericvision 19 Jul, 2010
Hello Greyhead,

I'm still relatively new to joomla and not a coder. We would like to use chronoforms for several purposes.

1. create forms to enter information about properties and have them displayed in a joomla article.
2. enter and save data about a user's preferences. pull up this data on an email contact form and send it.
3. access data about properties and make sure that the user has access to the data in the form of drop down menus.
4. access the data and export it in cvs.

So basically think of a travel portal where the user can save preferences about themselves and note the properties that they prefer. Next open of a reservations form and the user information / preferences automatically load. On the next pages, they can select different properties, amenities, activities, and more. Hit the send button.

I assume that this is would take awhile and there would be a rather steep learning curve in this for me. Is this what Chronoforms was designed to do right?

GreyHead 26 Jul, 2010
Hi Ben,

This is a big project and far from simple to complete. There are some Joomla extensions that might do a lot of the work for you like com_property I'd suggest that you look at these first.

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