
how to use cf_id in the sent e-mail?

steve.lozie 17 Jun, 2010
Dears users,

my goal is to create a form that sends an e-mail and saves the data in the database.
the e-mail has to contain the cf_id (or whatever unique number) as they need it later on.

So far:
- I've created and linked the database correctly
- made up the form
- designed the e-mail

but how can I get the cf_id to show up in the mail? It has something to do with the onsubmit code, but I'm a noob when it comes down to php.

Who's willing to help me?
Max_admin 18 Jun, 2010
Hi Steve,

You will need to switch OFF your email template, make sure your DB connection runs "BEFORE email", then use a simple line of code to access the saved row data and echo the cf_id value in the email body, this has bee solved here before, please do a quick search and let me know if you can't find it

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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