
E-mail problem, system not send e-mails

blurppp 07 Mar, 2010
Greetings from Poland
I have problem with chronoforms, form not send me information,
all steps from tutorial was made
I have no results, what i can make more ?
A hope for same help
GreyHead 07 Mar, 2010
Hi blurppp,

In the Forms Manager do you see Enabled:1, Disabled:0 in the Emails column for your form?

blurppp 07 Mar, 2010
off course, all things are as in tutorial
GreyHead 07 Mar, 2010
Hi blurppp,

Good, can you send an email from your site? From one of the 'email a freind' links in an article for example?

Please can you turn on Debug in the Form General Tab, submit the form and post the reaulting debug messages and dummy email here please.

mangoman 08 Mar, 2010
I have the same problem; I deleted the email template; email is enabled; the Setup Emails is *yellow* not green; I have onSubmit=return validateForm() in the General/CoreForm Settings: tag attachment; here is my debug data to help solve:[quote]Form passed first SPAM check OK
Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
$_POST Array: Array ( [check0] => Array ( [0] => Summer 2011 ) [select_3] => Disease Prevention [text_3] => [radio1] => Both [text_6] => john rozzo [text_8] => test3 [text_11] => 123456789 [text_9] => [email][/email] [text_27] => 1960/03/30 [text_17] => [text_14] => mom rozzo [text_19] => test33 [text_15] => 222334456 [text_16] => [email][/email] [text_21] => USC [text_22] => Bizness [select_23] => Poor/None [check2] => Array ( [0] => Wordpress [1] => Web Applications ) [button_26] => Send Application [105fa5f34122fd28caea5f92418a9fff] => 1 [1cf1] => de7d0c551b17721173fbec420631e622 [chronoformname] => Intern_App )
$_FILES Array: Array ( [file_25] => Array ( [name] => JR-refs.doc [type] => application/msword [tmp_name] => /tmp/phpSKRsyY [error] => 0 [size] => 32256 ) )
Upload routine started for file upload by : file_25
/home/milkorg/public_html/components/com_chronocontact/uploads/Intern Application/20100307195515_JR-refs.doc has been uploaded OK
Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
An email has been SENT successfully from (Milk) to [email][/email]
Debug End
Redirect link set, click to test:[/quote]
GreyHead 08 Mar, 2010
Hi mangoman,

This line

An email has been SENT successfully from (Milk) to [email][/email]

tells us that ChronoForms has passed the email to the Joomla mailer and received a 'success' message back.

Most likely the email is in a spam folder somewhere, or has been marked as junk and binned. Or just possibly your site isn't sending emails correctly.

mangoman 08 Mar, 2010
Thanks, Bob.

"Or just possibly your site isn't sending emails correctly."

How can I check into this? Is there a cPanel option for this, or something in Joomla's Admin panel? :?

GreyHead 08 Mar, 2010
Hi John,

The first check I do is to try to find an article with the 'email a friend' and see if that works OK.

If it doesn't then there's most likely a problem with the site email set-up. The settings are in Global Configuration | Server, but there is no test there.

The spam answer is still the most likely :-(

mangoman 09 Mar, 2010
PHPmail doesn't work and Sendmail is *sometimes* working (on the 2nd attempt of Joomla's send-to-friend button), so I'm looking into this with my host. It is something in the email configuration; nothing in the spam box.

Urgently hope to remedy this!
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