
Chronoform has huge gap when displayed

GreyHead 09 Nov, 2009
Hi Valerie,

Part of the the problem is the ChronoForms CSS. If you open com_chronocontact/themes/default/css/style1.css you'll find a item .form_item { height:auto; } at the beginning. The auto here is pushing the form down below the side bar. Make it 1px or something fixed and suitable and the form will move back up.

bizcoach1 12 Nov, 2009
I'm having a similar issue. My gap appears at the beginning of the form. I tried the steps indicated above for the internal gap, nothing happened. This gap is really annoying. I need to figure out how to close it up. Please help! (new to joomla and chronoforms)... also having trouble getting to my data. I read alot on the forum and it sounds like I have to go into the actual database? I have aiContacts... can't I get the emails to go into that joomla extension, so I don't have to go into the actual database? thanks!
GreyHead 12 Nov, 2009
Hi bizcoach1,

We might be able to help you with the gap if you post a link to the form.

I've never heard of aiContacts, I imagine that you can save the results there if you know the structure of their database tables.

bizcoach1 12 Nov, 2009
Here is a link to the page that its on...not sure if this is what you meant?

It will at least show you what I mean....
I tried to change to connect to the DB that matches my form name "optin2", however, when I enter my email test in the form.... and then go check the table by clicking on that on the form manager tab.... there is no record showing up. I abandoned the idea of using the contact extension.... I just need to make sure my table works. I tried recreating the table... no luck. I must be missing something when I follow the tutorial directions. Being new, no doubt, isn't helping me right now. 😶
GreyHead 12 Nov, 2009
Hi bizcoach1,

No huge gap showing for me (in FireFox). Looks as though the Form HTML is badly broken somewhere though - the strap-line should appear after the end of the form, not in the middle. And the OnSubmit URL that show up means that ChronoForms will never see the submitted form - is that what you intend?

bizcoach1 12 Nov, 2009
That is good to know about firefox, but in ie8 it shows a huge gap.... not knowing what browser people are using, how can I fix it for ie8? Also... not sure what you mean about the strapping part? I will try to create a form again using the wizard and see what happens.
What I am trying to do is use an opt in email address field, that then moves the person to the next "sales pg".... but I still capture their email address. I'm not sure why chronoforms won't see the form due to the current settings? how do you recommend I fix it to accomplish what I am trying to do?
bizcoach1 12 Nov, 2009
Ok... I got the gap to close in ie8... the key photo was causing an issue. I removed the red arrow, too. Now, the gap closed. I will just insert a straight arrow graphic above and that will be solved.
The database issue is still open though.
How can I fix that one?
I appreciate how fast you are answering me! Awesome!
GreyHead 12 Nov, 2009
Hi bizcoach1,

If the site is on-line and it's OK with you PM or Email me a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look at the DB problem.

bizcoach1 12 Nov, 2009
thanks. Sent address and login info.... via contact us area of this site. Selected referred by admin.
I'll keep my fingers crossed you can work your magic!🙂
GreyHead 12 Nov, 2009
Hi bizcoach1,

That won't reach me - the Contact Us form only goes to Max. PM & Email links under my picture, or email address in my sig.

GreyHead 12 Nov, 2009
Hi bizcaoch1,

It's working OK. The databse table didn't have a field for the email address 'text_5'. And the OnSubmit URL meant that ChronoForms never saw the form results at all.

bizcoach1 12 Nov, 2009
This might be a dumb question... but when I view it, it shows a big blue box and at the bottom there is a link that says to test, and that redirects to the page. Am I seeing that because I am logged in as admin? Will other people see that too? If so, its not doing what I need it to do. I just need them to be redirected and I get their email in the database. I don't like that big blue box.... seems unprofessional.
Anyway to have that accomplished?
GreyHead 12 Nov, 2009
Hi bizcoach1.

Turn Debug off in the form General Tab

bizcoach1 12 Nov, 2009
Thank you! It is now working great! Awesome Support!
Cybril 16 Nov, 2009

I have installed Chronoforms and the demo form but I'm also getting a huge gape between the name and email field (or any first and second, eg, if I delete name, gaps occurs between next two fields). It also happens in Firefox. If I copy the code to another non-joomla site (am working locally) and remove all javascript at top of copied form code, it stops - any ideas?

Cybril 16 Nov, 2009
Sorry, have found the option "Load Chronoforms CSS/JS Files?" and changed that to No, and all working fine now, so I guess there was a clash there somewhere.

Thanks anyway. Good job on the code.


margknox 30 Sep, 2011
I have the same problem, a huge gap between first and second fields, but turning off 'Load Chronoforms CSS/JS Files?' did not solve it adequately - the gap closed, but the labels and fields all moved to the left.

Any other possible answers?
GreyHead 30 Sep, 2011
Hi margknox,

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

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