
Using chronoforms to do Joomla Registration

anv2009 03 Nov, 2009

This is my very first post. I've been using CronoForms just a few days.

In first, I'd like to thank developer(s) for this great product.

I've followed the original (locked) "Lost: Using chronoforms to do Joomla Registration" forum.

Everything worked out great, except for the last item: "A finishing touch - Directing users away from the regular registration page" -- The original Joomla "regular registration page" keeps on getting rendered upon "Create an account" link.

I've modified the "components\com_user\views\register\tmpl\default.php" to redirect "Create an account" to my newly created and tested registration ChronoForm.

Is the original Joomla "regular registration page" cached somewhere?

Thank you in advance for your help!
anv2009 04 Nov, 2009

Our site is using the JoomlArt "Halite" template. The template overrides the standard Joomla registration page.

I've modified default.php in the "templates/ja_halite/html/com_user/register" and everything works fine now.

GreyHead 04 Nov, 2009
Hi anv2009,

Excellent, I wouldn't have though of that in a hurry.

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