
Build a "Registration Form" – but whats next?

Hackhofer 22 Oct, 2009

i've build a registration Form with the tuorial on this site.

But now I've got a problem in understandig whats next?

Works the "New Form" together with the "Anmeldung Modul" (mod_login)

Actually, the Registration Form on this site look and work like i'd like it to have.

Maybe you can bring light in the dark, thank you.

Greeting from Germany, Ralf
GreyHead 22 Oct, 2009
Hi Ralf,

You need to link the Login Module 'Create an Account' link to your new form. That's about all there is to do.


PS The registration forms here are not ChronoForms :-( Just standard Joomla or PHPBB forms
Hackhofer 22 Oct, 2009
Hi GreyHead,

thanks a lot for the quick answer. I have searched the position, but I'm sorry, I didn't find it 😶 or it didn't work successfully.

Is it here: modules/mod_login/temp/default.php

There is following Code:

<li><a href="<?php echo JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_user&view=register' ); ?>">
<?php echo JText::_('REGISTER'); ?></a>

When I place my article, where my form is in, on the place where it is bold, still the "regular" register-site appears. Can you tell me whats wrong?

I hope you've got further Informations for me. Thank You. Ralf
GreyHead 22 Oct, 2009
Hi Hackhofer,

As far as I know that 'should' work. Perhaps you haven't found the right link to change??

Hackhofer 23 Oct, 2009
Hi GreyHead,

thats what i think, too. Is this the right place to change:

(I have placed my register form in an article and want to link this aticle with "create an account", is this the right way?)

Many thanks for your time and work,
GreyHead 23 Oct, 2009
Hi Ralf,

That looks OK to me - test it to check !

Hackhofer 23 Oct, 2009

no, it must be an other file. Changes in this file dont change anything in the frontend. Anywhere, this is a thing i can search.

An other thing is, that the form dont create a user in the backend:

After pushing "register" the admin get an email, that there is a new user, but the "user" dont get an email to confirm. And there isnt a new user in the backend.

Do you have an idea what i'm doing wrong?

Greeting, Ralf
Hackhofer 23 Oct, 2009

i have found the file. I've searched at Joomla > Modules ... that was the fault because it is here: template > hm_yaml > mod_login > default

That works. But still the "form" generate no new user after push "register".

Greetings, Ralf
GreyHead 26 Oct, 2009
Hi Ralf,

I don't know why the registration isn't working. Normally it's just fine.

By all means email or PM me a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 26 Oct, 2009
Hi Ralf,

Working now - though there is probably some cleaning up to do.

The plugin wasn't enabled in the Plugins tab.

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