
Emails stopped working

growfish 12 Aug, 2009
Emails stopped working and I can't figure out how to resolve. I've upgraded everything - Joomla 1.5.12, ChronoForms 3.1 RC5.5. Reinstalled it several times and recreated the form. Even the demo form doesn't work send emails. Checked all the usual stuff like enabling emails, the to/from email addresses, confirmation page plugin, reinstalled, recreated, etc. debug say everything is "OK" and send successfully. I'm clueless....

Screenshots attached.

Any help would be so greatly appreciated. I used ChronoForms for years on many Client websites (all sending emails) and never had an issue I couldn't figure out myself. So this is frustrating!
GreyHead 12 Aug, 2009
Hi growfish,

Everything there looks Ok to me. I checked on your site and email seems to be working OK from a Joomla Article.

Possibly the CC is a problem if you are using teh PHP Mail Function as your site mailer as that does not support CC or BCC.

If that isn't the problem then I'm baffled for the moment, try turning debug on and posting the resulting output here in case there are some clues.

growfish 17 Aug, 2009
Thanks much for your reply Bob.

Debug showed no issues - all "OK" and same result after removing the "CC" email.

BUT the client changed their mind on this part of the project so I guess it will remain a mystery. 😀

Thank you so much for your efforts!
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