
Little suggestions !

makinero 05 Aug, 2009
Hi !

I just started with Chronoforms V3.0 for Joomla 1.5 and I discovered some things that should be fixed :

- In email properties, when you clic on "apply" button something should inform you that changes was recorded
- Toolbox and e-mail property's width should be enlarged then "use template editor" and "enable attachement" would be on the same line !
- "Emails template" tab : you should add a message like : "if you want to use PHP code in your template, you must disable the editor in "setup emails".

It's a shame that only the latest chronoform RC version is available to download. Some people would like to install only stable versions !

Thank you

Best regards.
GreyHead 05 Aug, 2009
Hi makinero,

I suggest that you still use the latest release - it is more stable and more bug-fixed than v3.0

makinero 05 Aug, 2009
Hi GreyHead,

I do not consider a release candidate as a stable version. Maybe some bugs are fixed but some new ones could appear ! That's my advice, it's hard to explain (I'm not a native english speaker as you can see!) but I think you should let user to chose between a stable version or a RC one...

When I said "I just started with Chronoforms V3.0 for Joomla 1.5" my aim was to tell that I started to use the new V3 witch is very different from joomla 1.0 version! Before posting my suggestions, I downloaded the latest version (V3.1 RC5.5) and I tried it on one of my joomla that I use to test some things. If I had not tested, I would say that the "apply" button in "setup email" should be more visible (that's fixed).

Best regards
GreyHead 05 Aug, 2009
Hi makinero,

I understand what you are saying. It's not my decision how Max labels his releases. From all pactical points of view (apart from the name) I'd recommend that you use the latest release. You don't have to - that's clearly your decision.

makinero 06 Aug, 2009
That's true, I can use the version I want but if only one version is available to download, it's difficult to chose !

Fortunaly I had the V3.0 on my hard disk !
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