
Embedding a payment gateway into form

rob_hawthorn 31 Jul, 2009
I have a form that captures registration details for an event:
I also have a payment gateway form:

I would like to combine the forms so that people can register and pay using one page and I'm struggling with how to accomplish this. For example like this:

(P.s. I posted a similar thread it was slightly different, hence a new thread)

Any replies much appreciated.
GreyHead 31 Jul, 2009
Hi Rob,

Sorry, I had a load of FireFox restarts today and my session mananger lost its records :-( I rely on the open tabs to tell me what I still want to reply to.

I'd use the ReDirect Plugin with your Registration form, you can add all the hidden field info in there and redirect the user afer the Registrastion Form has finished processing.

rob_hawthorn 03 Aug, 2009

Hi Rob,

Sorry, I had a load of FireFox restarts today and my session mananger lost its records :-( I rely on the open tabs to tell me what I still want to reply to.

I'd use the ReDirect Plugin with your Registration form, you can add all the hidden field info in there and redirect the user afer the Registrastion Form has finished processing.


Bob, thanks for the reply (and all the help you guys have given, you're a credit to chronoform).

Quick question, the re-direct option, wouldn't that direct users to being made to go to a separate page (to make the payment) instead of the form being one page for details and the payment element embedded.

GreyHead 03 Aug, 2009
Hi Rob,

Yes. . . but the payment element isn't embedded now. If I click the payment button I'm transferred to a WorldPay page. I guess that you could have it open in a pop-up.

GreyHead 03 Aug, 2009
Hi Rob,

In short, No.

I'm not sure where you are stumped. That last link is equivalent to a form using the Confirmation Page & Redirect plugins.

rob_hawthorn 03 Aug, 2009

Hi Rob,

In short, No.

I'm not sure where you are stumped. That last link is equivalent to a form using the Confirmation Page & Redirect plugins.


Ok Bob I'll give it a go, thanks for the help (and patience)
GreyHead 03 Aug, 2009
Hi Rob,

Try mocking up the flow with some very simple - one input + one button - forms to test. Then re-do with all the bells and whistle when you have the basic flow working the way you want it to.

rob_hawthorn 04 Aug, 2009
Guys I'm having a slight JavaScript problem, the form ( has 2 purchase options via radio button and the price is set via this and then the user is redirected to the payment gateway.

Unfortunately when a price option is chosen it's not being picked up by the form (and therefore the payment gateway) is showing an error.

There are some hidden parameter's that include the "amount", this is set to "0" because the radio buttons determine the price.

I've been at the same form yesterday and today and it is driving me slowly insane. Any help much appreciated to drag me out of the abyss.

GreyHead 04 Aug, 2009
Hi Rob,

FireBug shows document.buyForm is undefined, this is probably because ChronoForms renames the form. Try document.ChronoContact_BuyForm

rob_hawthorn 04 Aug, 2009
Bob, absolutely brilliant thank you very much, you're a good bloke. I've been on this since I replied before (- sleep time) so it's very much appreciated.

Kind regards,
GreyHead 04 Aug, 2009
Hi Rob,

Happy to help, do ask here if you are stuck. Short & to the point questions usually get answered pretty quickly (-sleep time).

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