
Registration Forms

Ann 15 Jul, 2009

Need to do 2 things:

1) I'm trying to develop registration forms using Chrono forms management - i have installed this in Joomla. I've managed to create a registration form - now i want it to be linked to PHP admin database which should give me a list of registered people...

2) Does anyone know how to create a drop down menu aned for each drop down menu, there should be a description popping up saying ......i have managed to created drop down menus but not able to add description...

Appreciate any help.....
Max_admin 15 Jul, 2009
Hi Ann,

#1- the registered users will be displayed in the Joomla users manager, the extra users data will be displayed in the extra table your created for users through Chronoforms! if you want one area for all then I'm working in a new solution for this! not ready yet.

#2- did you try to add a tooltip for the drop down ? its under the field properties area in the wizard

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Ann 16 Jul, 2009
Hi again,

Thanks for your reply...sorry, i wasn't clear enough....

I have created a Conference registration form (called Registration). I have linked it to a table called jos_chronoforms_registration.

I am trying to do 2 things:

1) directing users to the registration page - do i need to create a new category/section and link the url of the registration page?

2) how can i view the registered conference participants -- does it have to be linked to another database - i'm trying to link it using - PHP - for r.g., the link should be directed to a url with all registered participants ?? So that i can approve or deny the registered participants based on their application status....

How can i do that? Appreciate if you could send step by step notes please


GreyHead 20 Jul, 2009
Hi Ann,

For the link you can create a standard Joomla menu item to link to the page either with a Menu type of ChronoForms using the form name; or with a type of External URL using the link from the Forms Manager.

There's a basic data viewer in the ChronoForms Form Manager - click the databse connection link to see it.

If you want something more sohpisticated then you can do this with ChronoConnectivity.

Ann 30 Jul, 2009
Hi again,

I have created a form with just one category which says replies to the Questionnaire - e.g.,

1) Sam Durlond, Council of Morocco
2) Jason Patrick, Council of Geneva

Now i wish to categorise the name and the detail into 2 categories e.g.,

If Sam Durland gives a personal statement, then it should be under the category PERSONAL and or if Jason states an opinion based on his organisation role, then it should be under category Institution.

How do i create a field within the existing table? so that it lists as:

1 - Personal
2 - Institutions

GreyHead 30 Jul, 2009
Hi Ann,

You'll need to use PHPMyAdmin or something similar to edit the table and add an extra column. Then you can add the corresponding field to your form.

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