
Form returns gibberish

altitude 09 Jul, 2009
Hi there,

I am tearing my hair out here...

My form is posted here:
When I test the form, it returns garbage, an excerpt is quoted below...

1. Autism is
a. a disease of the central nervous system a. a disease of the central nervous system
a. a disease of the central nervous system b. a disability that impairs communication and social, behavioral and intellectual functioning
a. a disease of the central nervous system c. A disease affecting the behavioral and intellectual functioning of the brain
a. a disease of the central nervous system d. a syndrome displayed with impaired hearing and sight

I've managed to get a couple of small test forms to work OK, but as soon as I start making them bigget they go wonky. This form is supposed to have 14 questions....they all return the same kind of junk. FYI, I have noticed that the answer you choose on the form is the one that gets "injected" into the return e-mail (ie in the example above, I chose answer "a".)
GreyHead 09 Jul, 2009
Hi Altitude,

Please find the corresponding code in the E-mail template and replace it with
1. Autism is: {radio0}
2. The latest statistics indicate that autism: {radio1}
. . .

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