
Customizing Style1 css not display changes in IE

gg4j 25 Nov, 2008
Oh my!

I've just customized the style1.css, style is applyed properly in FF, Chrome and of course NOT in IE!!!
using IE 7.
Why? any help?

I tried to override the css in the template of Joomla, it worked out but only in J1.5.7 and not J.1.5.8...

Well I do prefer to use style1 since it looks more neat than overriding..
Max_admin 25 Nov, 2008
Hi gg4j,

I think that there is style1-ie7 file, no ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
gg4j 25 Nov, 2008
I'm sorry for bothering Max.. Tiredness is playing around 😶
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