
[SOLVED] upload sample forms

cra2 14 Nov, 2008
This may be a silly question but I can't find the answer on the site or the forums;

How do I upload/install the sample forms?

GreyHead 14 Nov, 2008
Hi cra2,

You can save a for using the Backup icon in the Forms Manager and restore it using the Restore icon. The files are plain text files with a .cfbak suffix. To upload them to the forums here they need to be zipped as the forum software checks the file for html tags and rejects it if it thinks there might be an embedded script.

BUT - I think the sample forms in the downloads area are for the old version of ChronoForms and will give you an error message if you try to restore them in CF v3.0.

cra2 14 Nov, 2008
So if I'm understanding you, the quick answer is...
a) don't upload sample forms since they're not compatible with the latest release,
b) IF you want to upload forms in the future, the "Restore" button lets you browse for a form and uploads it for you.

(seems like it should have a different name than Restore then. Like "install/upload" or something. but hey, what do I know?)

thanks for your help again!
GreyHead 14 Nov, 2008
Hi cra2,

Yes that's about it. The Restore goes with Backup - Max designed it to let you keep backup copies of your forms and restore them if necessary. Uploading samples was a secondary benefit!

Max_admin 15 Nov, 2008

a) don't upload sample forms since they're not compatible with the latest release,

If you serached the forums here for a form called TEST.cfback, this will work with the latest release!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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