Hi everybody
I just create form follow instruction , but i can't send mail plz help me
here is my code ( i use form wizard design it )
p/s : I tested in my computer ( localhost ) . and my joomla can upload file so i have to install this extension manual ( copy extension to tmp forder and install it with joomla ( install from directory) )
thanks all
I just create form follow instruction , but i can't send mail plz help me
here is my code ( i use form wizard design it )
<DIV class=form_item >
<DIV class="form_element cf_textbox" ><LABEL class=cf_label >name</LABEL><INPUT class="cf_inputbox required" id=text_0 maxLength=150 size=30 name=text_0 ></DIV>
<DIV class=clear > </DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=form_item >
<DIV class="form_element cf_radiobutton" ><LABEL class=cf_label >Click Me to Edit</LABEL>
<DIV class=float_left ><INPUT class=radio id=radio_1 type=radio value="radio 1" name=radio0 ><LABEL class=radio_label for=radio_1 >Radio 1</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id=radio_2 type=radio value="radio 2" name=radio0 ><LABEL class=radio_label for=radio_2 >Radio 2</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id=radio_3 type=radio value="radio 3" name=radio0 ><LABEL class=radio_label for=radio_3 >Radio 3</LABEL><BR ></DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=clear > </DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=form_item >
<DIV class="form_element cf_checkbox" ><LABEL class=cf_label >chon checkbox</LABEL>
<DIV class=float_left ><INPUT class=radio id=check_1 type=checkbox value="check 1" name=check_1 ><LABEL class=check_label for=check_1 >Check 1</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id=check_2 type=checkbox value="check 2" name=check_2 ><LABEL class=check_label for=check_2 >Check 2</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id=check_3 type=checkbox value="check 3" name=check_3 ><LABEL class=check_label for=check_3 >Check 3</LABEL><BR ></DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=clear > </DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=form_item >
<DIV class="form_element cf_button" ><INPUT type=submit value=Submit ></DIV>
<DIV class=clear > </DIV></DIV>
p/s : I tested in my computer ( localhost ) . and my joomla can upload file so i have to install this extension manual ( copy extension to tmp forder and install it with joomla ( install from directory) )
thanks all