
Could not instantiate mail function.

rockbk 17 Oct, 2008
Hi everybody
I just create form follow instruction , but i can't send mail plz help me
here is my code ( i use form wizard design it )
<DIV class=form_item   >
<DIV class="form_element cf_textbox" ><LABEL class=cf_label >name</LABEL><INPUT class="cf_inputbox required" id=text_0  maxLength=150 size=30 name=text_0 ></DIV>
<DIV class=clear > </DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=form_item   >
<DIV class="form_element cf_radiobutton" ><LABEL class=cf_label >Click Me to Edit</LABEL>
<DIV class=float_left ><INPUT class=radio id=radio_1  type=radio value="radio 1" name=radio0 ><LABEL class=radio_label for=radio_1 >Radio 1</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id=radio_2  type=radio value="radio 2" name=radio0 ><LABEL class=radio_label for=radio_2 >Radio 2</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id=radio_3  type=radio value="radio 3" name=radio0 ><LABEL class=radio_label for=radio_3 >Radio 3</LABEL><BR ></DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=clear > </DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=form_item   >
<DIV class="form_element cf_checkbox" ><LABEL class=cf_label >chon checkbox</LABEL>
<DIV class=float_left ><INPUT class=radio id=check_1  type=checkbox value="check 1" name=check_1 ><LABEL class=check_label for=check_1 >Check 1</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id=check_2  type=checkbox value="check 2" name=check_2 ><LABEL class=check_label for=check_2 >Check 2</LABEL><BR ><INPUT class=radio id=check_3  type=checkbox value="check 3" name=check_3 ><LABEL class=check_label for=check_3 >Check 3</LABEL><BR ></DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=clear > </DIV></DIV>
<DIV class=form_item   >
<DIV class="form_element cf_button" ><INPUT  type=submit value=Submit ></DIV>
<DIV class=clear > </DIV></DIV>

p/s : I tested in my computer ( localhost ) . and my joomla can upload file so i have to install this extension manual ( copy extension to tmp forder and install it with joomla ( install from directory) )
thanks all
Max_admin 17 Oct, 2008
Hi rockbk,

did you look at and follow the Email setup tutorial under downloads > Chronoforms tutorials here on our website ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
rockbk 17 Oct, 2008
Hi Max, thanks your reply post too quick
Yes, i follow toturial to setup email.
I Try change mail setting in joomla (Global Configuration )
mailer : Sendmail . no error appear but mail don't come my inbox
mailer : SMTP ( i don't have acc smtp )

I try test send mail from localhost with code :

$from = '';
$to = '';
$subject = 'Example 1: Send simple text email';
$message = 'A plain text email.';
if ( mail($to, $subject, $message, $header) ) {
	echo "Email sent to $to!";
} else {
	echo "Error occured while sending email to $to!";
} //end if

but not success Error occured while sending email to [email][/email]!

i test in localhost with apache , php and mysql .
Max_admin 17 Oct, 2008
Hi rockbk,

if your site can't email then Chronoforms will not, thats because maybe you didn't setup an email server correctly on your machine, try this from a joomla live site and assure the site can send emails from articles page for example!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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