
Joomla 1.0 - Mambot 0.6 - Is not working with YOOaccordion

robo1999 24 Sep, 2008
I have Joomla 1.0.15, CF 2.3.9 and Mombot 0.6
All is working okay as long as I don't try to display article in YOOaccordion.
This could be due to some JS conflict but I dont know.
Thanks for any help.

BTW, Mr. A. I like what you done with a place and Chronoengine. Keep up the good work :-)
Max_admin 24 Sep, 2008
Hi Robert!

Thank you! it has been a long time! how are you ?🙂

I can't see the form there anymore, but anyway there should not be any JS issues if validation is off, the J1.0 version doesn't have any other issues to conflict with other modules..


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 30 Sep, 2008
Hi robo1999,

Is that Contacts page a standard Content page?
If so, is the mambot enabled?
If not, then is it a page that supports mambots?

robo1999 30 Sep, 2008
Hi Bob,

The first link is to a standard Contact page (Joomla 1.0), but the top part has YOOaccordion module use twice before main content/body.
The YOOaccordion take its content from a article/category and puts them nicely together, so the "Tom Rzedzian" is a article and the second link( is directly to this article "Tom Rzedzian".
It is not a problem with activation of mambot or wrong code or any standard problem because, if you check the second link ( the form loads perfectly. Problem only exists where this article is load via YOOaccordion and display in module position.

I looked at menu and contact manager but did not find there any switch to enable or disable the mambot. I know what you are talking about, I will keep looking. If you have any idea where it is please let me know.
Max_admin 30 Sep, 2008
Hi Robert,

I think that the YOO module doesn't load mambots while showing content, the mambots must be triggered but may be this module doesn't do this, this was the same issue with another user here recently with also a YOO module, so nothing you can do with this, the YOO module is not able to parse mambots.

Best regards

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
robo1999 30 Sep, 2008
can I place a form in article I mean a really form not a mambot, but I want this form to be control/linked to ChronoForm component?
Max_admin 30 Sep, 2008
Hi Robert, the only way is to use the mambot so the form get shown, OTHER way is to disable the content editor, open the chronoform page you want, view source, copy the whole form code, add it to the article page while editor is disabled so it doesn't delete the form code, save the article, when the form is submitted it will be handled by chronoforms!

let me know the results!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
robo1999 30 Sep, 2008
Yes, thats what I was thinking.
Thanks, Max
Max_admin 01 Oct, 2008
Hi Robert,

anyway you have loads of data because of the YOO code and the google map, try to remove this line from the form code :<script src="mootools 1.1..etc"> it will save about 43KB but no more!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
robo1999 01 Oct, 2008
You just forgot that the form is display 12 times on this page, so it is more (see image)
No, can I alos delete this script 😀
<script src="components/com_chronocontact/js/mooValidation.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Maybe not entirely but do I need it to be load 12 times on a page, for each form?
And Yes, I have a lots of stuff there on a page to load, but I think the 12 forms are mostly to blame.
Thanks for helping out.
Max_admin 01 Oct, 2008
Hi Robert,

if its 12 times then the browser will automatically cache the same files after the first load so you should not care about this, or this doesn't happen ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
robo1999 01 Oct, 2008
This is in a reference to another website, how can I disable CF from loading mootools?
This is still Joomla 1.0 - my template is loading mootools for each page and its is nicly gzip so I'm trying to avoide loding two mootools.
Max_admin 02 Oct, 2008
Hi Robert,

if its a Joomla 1.0 website then you need to hack chronocontact.html.php!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 02 Oct, 2008
Hi Robert,

Look for the following, it's line 42 in the version I have here.
<script src="components/com_chronocontact/js/mootools-release-1.11.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
You can just comment it out.

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