
Link in a table

Admiral 17 May, 2024

In Chronoforms 7 we are able to attach a link to a column in a table listing in a text node using the link button like this:

Can you explain how to do the same in Chronoforms 8?

Thanks so much!


Max_admin 21 May, 2024

Enable "Output" behavior and set a custom output for your column, here I have added a link to the "title" column

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Admiral 24 May, 2024

Thanks for this, I have added this to my first page, and a link is generated however when clicking the link it just says form not found. How do I find the id for the second page of the form? in the example above where to I find id=94 when it is the second page of a two page form?



Max_admin 24 May, 2024

the link should have 2 parameters:



action & id parameters are not important

You can set the page alias in the page options

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Admiral 30 May, 2024

Hi Max,

Success, I have the second page coming up correctly, however the data from the table row is not populating into the fields, instead it is displaying the first record in the table. In my example above CF7 used {var:Article.ServiceNo} to correctly populate the second page. What do I need to do in CF8 for this to happen? I have added the read data into the second page the same as CF7.


Max_admin 03 Jun, 2024

what do you have as the link ? you need to use a Read Data with WHERE statement to read the record based on the parameter passed

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Admiral 03 Jun, 2024

Ok, thanks. I am missing the where statement. Can you give me an example of what the where satement would look like?

My link is:  <a href="/index.php?option=com_chronoforms8&action=view&chronoform=1810uscen&chronopage=detailpage&id={row:ID}">{row:Lname}</a>

Thanks so much!

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