
Show/Hide New Comment Fields

gogo 16 Sep, 2008
First of all excellent work.

Is it possible to insert show/hide button(or text link) for "new comment fields".
I want these fields invisible on default and can't be switch on with button or text-link ("Post Comment") or something like that.
The same like "Post Reply" button.

Thank You.

Best Regards
Max_admin 16 Sep, 2008
Hi Gogo, unfortunately no, this is not available yet, maybe I will add this feature in a future release.


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
gogo 17 Sep, 2008
After a few hours, I achieved relative pitch.
The attached file is "com_chronocomments" zipped directory in main joomla/components/ dir.
Compare the files and you can see the added code.
I know that this is not the best solution, but that is the limit of my knowledge.

Thank you again for excellent Joomla Component.

Good Luck.
Max_admin 17 Sep, 2008
Thank you very much gogo for sharing your solution!🙂
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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