

broberts 09 Sep, 2008
If pagination is used in one connectivity page and if the user selects a page size, i.e. 10 records per page, then this limit applies to all connectivity pages even if they do not include {pagination}. So, given two different connectivity pages A and B. If A includes {pagination} and B does not should the user display A and set the records to display to 10 and then displays B, B will list at most 10 records.
Max_admin 10 Sep, 2008
Hi, Ok, I will check this one but I believe its correct, I will fix ASAP!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
vdneut 23 Feb, 2014
Hi, I'm using 4.0 RC3.2 and found that this problem still exists.
Is there a fix somewhere on the forum, or planned bug fix?
Max_admin 22 Mar, 2014
Hi vdneut,

a bit late reply, it may be caused by accessing the connection list using non sef link on SEF website, you should also try v5, it has many fixes and improvements!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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