
Enabled? : No Grayed Out

artversion 08 Sep, 2008
1. I'm not able to select Yes on the "Enabled:" filed in the "Setup Emails" tab.
2. I sent $25 payment for the license but I hav't received instructions how to remove Joomla Professional Work link.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Max_admin 08 Sep, 2008
Hi artversion,

Glad you fixed #1, for #2 I see in our records that the email has been sent, just let me know if you still didn't get it through the contact us or PM here, please provide another email address too because may be your SPAM filter blocks our message and this happens sometimes because of the attachments!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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