
Form completed

hustad 31 Jan, 2007
I notice that you have a "Form completed" which is still under development. I am not sure how this are going to work and need to ask you.

1. Is the "Form completed" going to work so that the whole form including images and fields will be sent to an email address ? And if so, when will it be ready?

2. I need all of the items/fields/images in the form to be sent, and not only the data. I want the user to receive the same form as they filled in. Is there a way i can accomplish this ?
Max_admin 02 Feb, 2007
#1- yes thats it, I dont have any idea when I will be able to finish this but hopefully soon.

#2- the way is to put your form html code and replace every "input" elelment with the name inside brackets like {element_name}


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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