
Thanks message to the customers email

Fritz 31 May, 2019
What is the most correct procedure to send a thanks message to the customer (email text field) after he has filled out and sent the chronoforms6?
I found several threads from previous versions but non specific to the latest CF6 version.
GreyHead 31 May, 2019
Hi Fritz,

Please check the demo contact form. it should be enough to add an Email action and set the To address from the form data.

Fritz 31 May, 2019
Thank you Grayhead for your attention!
I said that badly. ...sorry.
I intended to send an email to the address (text field-email) that is entered by the visitor who is just filling out the form.
How can I add the this mail address in the Actions->Email->Recipients list?
The email value that is entered by the form compiler.
healyhatman 31 May, 2019
Use {data:email} for the recipient. Assuming your form field is called "email"
Fritz 01 Jun, 2019
Thank you healyhatman! I don't have great programming skills and I'm trying to learn how to use variables in CF6. Have a nice weekend!
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