
Dropdown problems with update to v. 6.1.2

prince25 30 May, 2019
I realized n. 2 forms in Chronoform 6.0.1.
Both have field dropdowns with read_dat readings that work correctly:
- in n.1 the dropdowns are called field_select
- in # 2 the dropdwons are called field_dropdown.
Can you explain why the dominations are different?
Updating Chronoform to 6.1.2. :
- form n.1 can no longer read the read_dat databases
- the form. n 2 is OK.
Can you help me correct the form n1?
Thank you
Max_admin 01 Jun, 2019
Could you attach the form with the problem here ? unless it has private info!

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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