
Text Area Size

gcarne 12 Apr, 2019

There are several posts to this problem, but with my lack of knowledge in HTML/PHP, these posts do not help me. . .

When using CFv5 I used a text area, then called "Textarea Box", and had the number of rows set to 5. This worked fine and did not need to anything specific to get the right front-end display of the text area. I now upgraded to CFv6 (still in the same website), created a new form and am using the text area in the same way with number of rows set to 5. The front-end only shows one row and viewing Firebug it tells me that the text area height is set to 22px which would explain why text entered into the narrow text area does not show.

CFv6 is in this respect different to CFv5 and it seems like my Template-CSS is now overriding the settings of CFv6 which was not the case in CFv5. Can someone please tell me exactly how I can show the 5 lines or rows that I need and do it in such a manner, that I, a non-HTML'er, understand it. I would prefer to do this in the Form rather than the CCS-File of my template.

Thanks in advance,
healyhatman 12 Apr, 2019
Do it in CSS, set the height of the textarea element.

textarea { height: 150px !important; }
gcarne 12 Apr, 2019
Thanks. Where does it go? In Chronoforms? How? Please a bit of detail.
healyhatman 12 Apr, 2019
Goes wherever you want. In Chronoforms there's a "Custom CSS" block you can use.
gcarne 12 Apr, 2019
Finally worked. Thanks Healyhatman.
Max_admin 12 Apr, 2019
The issue means that your template CSS or another CSS on the page is forcing a textarea height regardless of the rows!

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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